Sunday, September 30, 2012

Review and Giveaway: Forbidden Mind by Kimberly Kinrade

Book blurb:
49% of Americans believe their government officials are honest.

I don't know these officials, or their supporters, but I know their secrets, and 49% of Americans are wrong. 

My employers pay me well to be right, to know things others can't. But I don't know why they brought that boy in, strapped to a stretcher, barely conscious. He asked me for help when I could give none.

I'm a wealthy spy, a talented artist, a martial arts black belt, and a prisoner. 

They tell me that on my eighteenth birthday, I will be released, free to go to the college of my dreams.

It's my eighteenth birthday, and a man in black is at my door. I know he's not here to free me.

I know, because I can read minds.

My name is Sam, and this is my story.

So begins the tale of Sam and Drake--from the time they link minds, forging a bond that leads to an unconventional romance--to their fight for survival against the corrupt, twisted organization known as 'Rent-A-Kid.' 
My review:
According to Amazon, this book is 248 pages. I just can't believe that. I read it so quickly, that I was sure it was only 100 pages, and I couldn't figure out how I was going to review that. (Reviewing short stories and novellas is hard to do without giving away the whole story.)

This is a YA paranormal thriller, but it's a little violent and the organization they are fighting is run by some seriously twisted people. But, I'm a little weird myself, and I loved this book! The action and down-times are well-balanced, and we know enough to care about the characters. I don't like trilogies or series that hide all the important information until later books. I like to get a little background in each book. I don't usually buy into the instant-love scenario, but in this case, it was actually done in a such a way to make it plausible. I can't wait to see more of Sam, Drake, Lucy, and Luke in the follow-up books. 

I didn't like that "nice" people died, but I guess when you have war, you're going to have casualties. I also didn't like the cliff-hanger at the end of the book! Noooo! Fortunately, the second book, Forbidden Fire is already out, so I don't have to wait to read it. (Neither do you! And look for a review of Forbidden Fire here in two weeks!)

You don't have to be a YA fan to enjoy this book. It's "adult" enough that everyone can get into it. 

A peek inside my crazy world: This morning, I realized that I had actually agreed in January to review Forbidden Mind via an email conversation with the author, but hadn't gotten to it yet, and had completely forgotten about that when I signed up for the tour. (This is a big part of the reason I will soon be taking a break from tours. I need to get caught up on my personal review list.) I have to say that I'm so glad I didn't get around to reading it earlier! If I had to wait months to read the rest of the trilogy, I would have gone crazy! LOL

Forbidden Mind will be FREE Oct 2-6 to celebrate the release of Book #3, Forbidden Life!

About the book:
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Release date: July 9, 2012
Pages: 248
Where I got the book: Free from the author in exchange for an honest review
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the other stops on the tour
10/1  A night’s Dream of Books   Review
10/1  Andrea Heltsley Books   Review
10/1 Guilty Indulgence   Spot Light, Guest Blog, First Chapter, and Giveaway
10/1 My Other Book Blog  Review and Giveaway
10/2  Bookish Things & More  Guest Blog and  Review
10/2  Simply Infatuated   Guest Blog and Giveaway
10/3  A Soul Unsung  Spot Light,, Review, and First Chapter
10/3 The story of a girl...   Review   

10/4   Dahl's Doll  Review and Giveaway
10/4  Reader Girls  Spot Light, Review, and Interview
10/5 The Avid Reader  Guest Post
10/5   Michelle's Paranormal Vault of Books    Review, First Chapter, and Giveaway
10/8  Doctor's Notes   Review and Giveaway
10/8 Andi's Young Adult Books  Spot Light,, Guest Blog, Review, First Chapter, and Giveaway
10/8 Shelley Munro  Review
10/9  Eternally Books  Spot Light,, Guest Blog, Review, Interview, and Giveaway
10/9   The Bunnies Review  Review
10/10   My Cozie Corner Review and Giveaway
10/10 For The Love Of Film And Novels   Guest Blog, Review, First Chapter, and Giveaway
10/11 Rea's Reading and Reviews   Review
10/11 A Date with a Book  Review, First Chapter, and Giveaway
10/12  Lissette E. Manning   Guest Blog
10/12 Nette's Bookshelf Reviews  Guest Blog, Review, and Giveaway
10/12  Princess of Pages  Review
10/12  The Clumsy Coquette Review


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your awesome review! I'm glad it was such an engaging read that it felt so much shorter than it was ;) And yeah, sorry about the cliff hangers, but rest assured that all three books will soon be together in one book, so people who don't like trilogies for that reason, can read it together! :)

Amanda said...

You're welcome, Kimberly! Thanks for coming by! At least we don't have wait years to find out what happens next. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's true! I try to write fast so fans don't have to wait. ;)

IO Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting Kimberly today

Unknown said...

Wow what a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

*crosses fingers*

Unknown said...

Wow, what an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

*crosses fingers*

Unknown said...

Oops! I forgot to add that I would chose to be able to read minds. That power has always been attractive to me.

Abbi said...

Hummm reading minds would be pretty cool but I would like to be invisible sometimes :)

Abbi said...

not sure if my last comment was left (something funky happened with blogger) anyway...I said reading minds would be cool but I think I'd like to be invisible sometimes

dawnmomoffour said...

I would have to say I would choose to be able to calm. Great power to have with kids :-)
Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance at this awesome prize.
-Dawn aka dawnmomoffour

Amanda said...

Haha! Dawn, what a fabulous power! Why didn't I think of that? :-D

chihuahuazero said...

My "rent-the-kid" talent would probably be speed-reading.

Real, real, fast-reading. As in, reading and memorizing a novel within minutes.

Anonymous said...

These are all such GREAT powers! Thanks for sharing them! :)

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