Running in Circles
[Pause for large yawn and coffee slurp]
Morning, everyone. Long day yesterday. Late night last night. It’s a bit hard to get motivated. In fact, I didn’t finish this blog post until late yesterday afternoon, so I’m sure my lovely hosts are ready to throttle me for being so slack.
I swear I have a reason.
[Pause for another round of coffee slurping]
My name is Siobhan, and I’m an author. I’m also two dozen other things all at one time – working Administrative Professional, Civitan, wife, mother, scapegoat…you name it, I probably have the hat and t-shirt to mark that adventure. Needless to say, finding time to be the writer (which is what I really want to be when I grow up) isn’t easy. If I could just sit down and write all the time, I’d be a very happy little girl.
There’s a whole lot more to being a “professional” author than they tell you when you first sign on. Beyond the writing and contracts and edits and cover art lies a whole world of madness. For an indie author like myself, there isn’t a crack team of PR professionals at my disposal to do my promotion. I don’t have a full-time Twit, and nobody keeps up with my blogs and Facebook pages and whatnot for me. I have to do it all myself.
And here I thought hiring Jitterbug for this blog tour would make it easier on me! I should have tried to convince Ali to write the posts for me while she was scheduling everything. She probably would have made me a lot more interesting than I really am. And she’d have gotten it all done a week ago like I should have.
Self-deprecating humor aside, I love what I do. Even when I’m up to my ears in real-world work and Mommy-time, the writer part of my brain keeps going and going and going… kind of like that obnoxious rabbit from the battery commercials. My to-do list is sort of like a hydra – when I cut one thing off, three more appear in its place.
Valentine’s Day, for example. It’s a sneaky holiday, really. It got me this year. It’s the holiday of love and romance, and being a romance author, you’d think I would be all over it like white on rice. Leave it to this chick to forget. I’m still baffled by the whole concept of happy-ever-after anyway, so trying to write it leaves me confused. Then again, a lot of things confuse me… like the point of this post.
I had one when I started.
At this point, I think it’s best if I hang up the keyboard. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone, and thanks for stopping by to play with me!
About the author

Not much has changed since then. She is still a voracious reader and recovering grammar junkie.
Left to her own devices, she plots interesting ways to seduce, frighten, and destroy. While she finds herself drawn to the dark and eerie, she is also very much a free spirit and hopeless romantic. With multiple stories in publication and several more on the way she spends her time writing happy-ever-afters for the underdogs.
Siobhan writes both contemporary and dark paranormal romance (and a little bit of fantasy and horror under another name, omitted to protect the guilty), much of it of a highly erotic nature. Having never really enjoyed reading romance, she finds writing it to be a cathartic act. By manipulating the characters, she can make the happy endings much more satisfying for herself, and hopefully for her readers as well.
Most days, Siobhan can be found lurking in one of these places:
Her blog
About Loki's Game
Unemployed museum curator Lily Redway responds to an advertisement in the newspaper, thinking she is applying for a job. On the other side of that small, black-and-white box awaits two things: a fantasy world come to life, and a man named Rowan Keir.
Rowan is a man with many secrets. He is a shape-shifter, a descendent of old world mythology, and the guardian of a rare and valuable Nordic artifact. He is also being hunted by the god Loki and has spent the last six-hundred years outsmarting and outrunning him.
With the fury of Asgard on Rowan’s trail, Lily finds herself caught up in a real-life fantasy story, a love triangle, and an ages-old war that pitches her into a different world and one very hard truth: All is fair in love and war.
a Rafflecopter giveawayRowan is a man with many secrets. He is a shape-shifter, a descendent of old world mythology, and the guardian of a rare and valuable Nordic artifact. He is also being hunted by the god Loki and has spent the last six-hundred years outsmarting and outrunning him.
With the fury of Asgard on Rowan’s trail, Lily finds herself caught up in a real-life fantasy story, a love triangle, and an ages-old war that pitches her into a different world and one very hard truth: All is fair in love and war.
Purchase the book at Amazon
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